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DCNH Law – Legal advice – Lawyer services

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About DCNH Law

DCNH Law is a law practice organization in Vietnam, with its headquarters in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province, according to Operating License No. 37.02.0128/TP/ĐKHĐ

DCNH Law was established and is operated by Lawyer Doan Cong Nu Hanh, a skilled lawyer with many years of experience working and collaborating with leading Law Offices and Law Firms in Vietnam.


DCNH Law specializes in providing comprehensive legal services in the fields of Intellectual Property – Enterprise – Investment – Litigation – Legal Training. We are committed to using our professional knowledge and work experience to deliver high-quality and comprehensive legal services to our clients.

Intellectual Property

  • Intellectual Property Registration in Vietnam
  • International Intellectual Property Registration
  • Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution
  • Handling Intellectual Property Infringements
  • Commercializing Intellectual Property Assets

Enterprise – Investment

  • Business Formation
  • Investment Consulting
  • Labor
  • Contract
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Personal Data Processing Documentation
  • Regular Legal Consulting (Private Lawyer Services)


  • Pre-litigation advice
  • Representation in negotiations and mediation
  • Litigation representation
  • Enforcement of judgments
  • Customized training for businesses
  • Collaborative training with universities and educational institutions


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38B Tran Nhat Duat, Phuoc Hoa Ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province