Trademark Registration for Foreigners in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Trademark registration for foreigners in Nha Trang, Vietnam is an important process to protect the intellectual property rights of businesses and individuals who wish to operate in Nha Trang, Vietnam.

Trademark Registration for Foreigners in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Trademark Registration Process for Foreigners in Nha Trang, Vietnam

The trademark registration process for foreigners in Nha Trang includes the following main steps:

1/ Preparing the Trademark Application Dossier

  • Trademark application form.
  • Trademark sample.
  • List of goods/services using the trademark according to the Nice Classification.
  • Power of attorney.
  • Request for priority right (if any).

2/ Submitting the Trademark Application

Applicants can choose one of the following methods:

  • Online submission through the online portal of the Intellectual Property Office.

3/ Formal Examination of the Trademark Application

After receiving the application, the Intellectual Property Office will check the formal validity of the trademark application within 1-2 months. If there are any deficiencies or the application is invalid, the Intellectual Property Office will request amendments or supplements.

4/ Publication of the Trademark Application

If the application is valid, information about the application will be published in the Industrial Property Gazette within 2 months from the date of acceptance of the valid application.

5/ Substantive Examination of the Trademark Application

After the publication, the trademark application will be substantively examined within 9-12 months to determine the distinctiveness of the trademark. The Intellectual Property Office will check if the trademark is identical or confusingly similar to previously registered trademarks.

6/ Issuance of the Trademark Registration Certificate

If the trademark meets all the requirements, the Intellectual Property Office will issue a decision to grant the Trademark Registration Certificate. The time from application submission to certificate issuance usually takes from 12-18 months, depending on the specific case.

Trademark Registration Consulting for Foreigners in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Registration through a Representative: Foreigners who do not have an establishment or residence in Vietnam must file the application through an authorized industrial property representative in Vietnam.

Protection Term: The Trademark Registration Certificate is valid for 10 years from the filing date and can be renewed multiple times, each time for 10 years.

Priority Right: Applicants can claim priority rights based on the first application filed in a Paris Convention member country within 6 months from the first filing date.

Registering a trademark is an important step to protect the legal rights and enhance the brand value of foreign businesses in the Vietnamese market. Therefore, complying with the process and legal regulations is essential to ensure success in trademark protection.

Trademark Registration Fees for Foreigners in Nha Trang, Vietnam

The trademark registration fee for foreigners in Nha Trang starts from 3 million VND/trademark. This service fee includes the state fee paid to the Intellectual Property Office.

Trademark Registration Services for Foreigners in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Are you looking for solid legal protection for your brand in Vietnam? Let us help you register your trademark in Nha Trang!

🌏 Professional and Reliable Service: We specialize in providing trademark registration services for foreigners in Nha Trang, ensuring a fast and accurate process. With a team of experienced intellectual property lawyers, we are committed to providing peace of mind and maximum protection for your brand.

🔍 Detailed and Dedicated Consultation: We will guide you through every step of the registration process, from preparing the application dossier to submitting the application and monitoring the progress. All your questions will be promptly answered, ensuring you understand every aspect of the trademark registration process in Vietnam.

📜 Simple and Efficient Procedures: We handle the entire process from A to Z, including:

  • Checking and consulting on the availability of the trademark.
  • Preparing and submitting the application dossier to the Intellectual Property Office.
  • Monitoring the progress and handling additional requests from the registration authority.
  • Receiving and delivering the Trademark Registration Certificate to the customer.

💼 Legal Rights Protection: Registering a trademark is a crucial step to protect intellectual property rights and avoid unnecessary legal disputes. We ensure that your brand will be comprehensively protected against all legal risks in the Vietnamese market.

🎯 Benefits of Using Our Service:

  • Fast: Save time with an optimized registration process.
  • Professional: Experienced and knowledgeable lawyers in Vietnamese law.
  • Convenient: Full-package service, you only need to provide information, and we handle the rest.
  • Reasonable Costs: Competitive and transparent pricing.

📞 Contact Us Now: For more detailed information and free consultation, contact us at 0343320223 or email [email protected]. We are always ready to support you in effectively protecting your brand.


Address: 38B Tran Nhat Duat, Phuoc Hoa ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam.

Phone: (+84) 343320223 – 974278893

Email: [email protected]

Protect your brand today with our professional trademark registration service in Nha Trang, Vietnam!

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