Exclusive Logo Registration Dossier in Vietnam

Exclusive Logo Registration Dossier in Vietnam according to latest regulations in 2024.

Exclusive Logo Registration Dossier in Vietnam

Exclusive Logo Registration Dossier in Vietnam

Organizations and individuals can register their exclusive brand logo as a trademark or copyright.

Trademark Registration Dossier for Exclusive Logos

1/ Application Form:

The exclusive logo registration application form should follow the template, describing the logo (both graphic and textual parts) comprehensively and clearly. If the logo is colored, specify the colors used.

2/ Registered Logo:

The applicant needs to prepare 6 printed copies of the logo to submit along with the application form. The logo’s size should not exceed 8cm x 8cm and must display the colors as described in the application.

3/ List of Goods/Services Accompanying the Logo:

Include the list of goods and services that the logo will represent.

1/ Copyright Registration Form for Applied Art Works:

Download the Copyright Registration Form for Applied Art Works.

2/ Identification Documents:

ID card for individual logo owners, Business Registration Certificate for corporate logo owners, or Establishment Decision for organizational logo owners.

3/ Written Assurance of Authorship and Copyright

4/ Copy of the Registered Logo:

The logo copy should be presented on approximately half an A4 page.

5/ Assignment Decisions for Logo Design (if any):

Procedure for Exclusive Logo Registration in Vietnam

Organizations and individuals should prepare the aforementioned dossier and submit it directly at the Intellectual Property Office (for trademark registration) or the Copyright Office (for copyright registration). Alternatively, applicants can choose both methods to ensure comprehensive protection of the exclusive brand logo.

  • Trademark Registration Duration: 18 – 24 months.
  • Copyright Registration Duration: Approximately 2 months.
  • Copyright Office: The state agency authorized to issue copyright registrations for logos.
  • Intellectual Property Office: The state agency authorized to issue protection titles for trademarks.

Cost of Logo Registration in Vietnam

  • Copyright Registration Fee: 5 million VND/logo.
  • Trademark Registration Fee: From 3 million VND/logo.

Organization for Exclusive Logo Registration in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Contact us immediately for professional and prompt consultancy, search, and registration procedures for exclusive brand logos in Nha Trang, Vietnam.

Contact Us Now:


Address: 38B Tran Nhat Duat, Phuoc Hoa ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam.

Phone: (+84) 343320223 – 974278893

Email: [email protected]

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