Intellectual Property

The State of Franchising in Vietnam

The current state of franchising in Vietnam reveals some legal risks and challenges that need to be addressed for more sustainable development in the future. Table of Contents Concept of Franchising Examples of Franchising in Vietnam The Current State of…

The structure of trademarks in Vietnam

A trademark is a symbol used to distinguish goods or services of one organization or individual from those of another operating in the same field. So, how is the structure of trademarks in Vietnam? Table of Contents: The structure of…

Conditions for Industrial Design Protection in Vietnam

To be granted exclusive industrial design protection in Vietnam, industrial designs must meet the protection conditions as stipulated by Vietnamese law. So, what are the specific conditions for industrial design protection in Vietnam? Table of Contents Characteristics of Industrial Design…

Forms of Transferring Copyright in Vietnam

The transfer of copyright involves the transfer of some or all property rights under copyright and the right to disclose a work to another organization or individual as stipulated by Vietnamese law. How many forms of transferring copyright in Vietnam…

Copyright according to the latest provisions of Vietnamese law

Along with industrial property rights and rights related to plant varieties, copyright is one of the three components that make up intellectual property rights under the regulations of Vietnamese law. The following article will help clarify copyright according to the…

The copyright in Vietnam includes which rights?

The copyright in Vietnam includes which rights? Let’s explore through the article below. Table of Contents What is Copyright? The copyright in Vietnam includes which rights? Personal Rights Property Rights Intellectual Property Services in Vietnam What is Copyright? According to…

Types of Trademarks According to latest Vietnamese Law

The types of trademarks according to Vietnamese law include: ordinary trademarks, collective trademarks, certification trademarks, and well-known trademarks. Table of Contents Collective Trademarks Certification Trademarks Well-Known Trademarks Ordinary Trademarks Collective Trademarks According to Article 4, Clause 17 of the latest…