
Protection of Famous Trademarks in Vietnam

The regulations for protecting famous trademarks are often stricter than for ordinary trademarks to prevent unauthorized use that could damage the trademark’s reputation and value. Table of Contents What is a Famous Trademark? Characteristics of Famous Trademarks Protection of Famous…

Trademark Renewal Fee in Vietnam

Renewing a trademark protection certificate in Vietnam is a crucial process to ensure the rights of the trademark owner. How much is the trademark renewal fee in Vietnam? Table of Contents Renewal of Trademark Protection Certificates in Vietnam Trademark Renewal…

Three-Dimensional Trademark Registration in Vietnam

Documentation and procedures for three-dimensional trademark registration in Vietnam according to the latest regulations. Table of Contents What is a Three-Dimensional Trademark? Documentation for Three-Dimensional Trademark Registration in Vietnam Procedure for Three-Dimensional Trademark Registration in Vietnam What is a Three-Dimensional…

Sound Trademark Registration in Vietnam

Regulations and procedures for sound trademark registration in Vietnam according to the amended Intellectual Property Law of 2022. Table of Contents Protection of Sound Trademarks in Vietnam Sound Trademark Registration in Vietnam Singapore Treaty on Trademark Law Protection of Sound…

Trademark Registration of Textile Goods in Vietnam

The process and documentation for trademark registration of textile goods in Vietnam as per the latest regulations in 2024. Table of Contents Documents Required for Trademark Registration of Textile Goods in Vietnam Timeline for Trademark Registration of Textile Goods in…

The structure of trademarks in Vietnam

A trademark is a symbol used to distinguish goods or services of one organization or individual from those of another operating in the same field. So, how is the structure of trademarks in Vietnam? Table of Contents: The structure of…

Types of Trademarks According to latest Vietnamese Law

The types of trademarks according to Vietnamese law include: ordinary trademarks, collective trademarks, certification trademarks, and well-known trademarks. Table of Contents Collective Trademarks Certification Trademarks Well-Known Trademarks Ordinary Trademarks Collective Trademarks According to Article 4, Clause 17 of the latest…