Enterprise – Investment

In a dynamic and competitive business environment, ensuring legal compliance and maintaining lawful operations are crucial for any enterprise. At DCNH Law, we provide comprehensive and professional legal services to support businesses in operating efficiently, sustainably, and safely.

Our services include:

Business Formation

Advising on the selection of business types, drafting charters, and conducting business registration procedures in Vietnam; Providing legal solutions for internal corporate governance.

Investment Consulting

Assisting investors in planning, choosing investment forms, and completing the necessary legal procedures.


Drafting labor contracts; Developing and registering labor regulations; Advising on the termination of labor contracts, handling labor discipline, and resolving labor disputes through labor conciliators, labor arbitration, and courts.


Drafting and reviewing commercial contracts, construction contracts, business cooperation contracts, share transfer contracts, etc., to ensure the highest benefits for businesses and minimize legal risks; Advising on handling issues that arise during contract execution; Representing and protecting the legal rights and interests of businesses in contract disputes in court or commercial arbitration.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Supporting businesses in M&A transactions and restructuring to ensure a smooth process, legal compliance, and the best protection of clients’ interests.

Personal Data Processing Documentation

Drafting personal data processing impact assessment dossiers and personal data transfer impact assessment dossiers for international data transfers; drafting and reviewing corporate documents to ensure compliance with legal regulations on personal data processing.

Providing comprehensive legal consulting solutions, from drafting and reviewing contracts, advising on labor, permits, to dispute resolution support. This service offers timely, continuous, and professional support for clients.